Our School
Principal’s Welcome
Our students are at the heart of everything we do!
Welcome to Skye Primary School! We are a school where students feel safe, supported, and excited about learning. We’re proud of our strong sense of community and the positive, inclusive culture that makes Skye PS such a great place to learn and grow.
At Skye, our core values—Respect, Responsibility, Resilience, and Relationships—guide how we learn and interact every day. We want every child to develop confidence, curiosity, and a strong sense of belonging, both in our school and the world beyond.
We know that children thrive when they feel connected and supported, so wellbeing is at the heart of everything we do. Through structured routines, positive behaviour strategies, and a trauma-informed approach, we’ve created an environment where students feel secure and ready to engage in their learning.
When it comes to learning, we focus on getting the foundations right. We take an Explicit Direct Instruction (EDI) approach to teaching Literacy and Numeracy, ensuring students receive clear, structured lessons that build their skills progressively. This evidence-based approach helps all students, no matter their starting point, to develop confidence and mastery in key learning areas.
Our teachers work closely together, using student data and ongoing professional learning to continuously improve their teaching. Collaboration is a big part of our school culture—we know that when we work as a team, our students benefit the most.
We’re also fortunate to have fantastic facilities, including a modern gym, music room, library, and a revitalised STEAM centre, all designed to give students the best opportunities to explore, create, and grow.
Families are a huge part of our school community, and we love working together to support each child’s learning journey. We welcome you to visit, take a tour, and experience the wonderful community at Skye PS.
Tim Bernau
Leadership Team
Under the leadership of our Principal, Tim Bernau, the Executive Leadership team strive to ensure that continued school improvement is a priority. They oversee the educational policies and daily running of the school and are responsible for ensuring that everyone who is part of our school contributes to the success of the Strategic Plan. The Leadership team work collaboratively within our professional learning community to ensure that our students are cared for by excellent teachers who provide high quality teaching and learning experiences.
Tim Bernau
Kim Weissenburger
Assistant Principal
Gareth Snow
Assistant Principal
Danielle Wadley
Disability & Inclusion Co-Ordinator
Hailee Eade
Learning Specialist
Krystal Anderson
Learning Specialist
School Profile
Skye Primary School has been serving our local community since 1873. We started as a humble school providing education for just 26 students, to a school that has now grown to over 500 students.
Skye Primary School has been considered a semi-rural setting over the past years, and are proud to have maintained our ‘semi-rural feel’ with the extensive housing development that has occurred around the school over the recent years.
We are proud of our school’s physical environment and facilities, with significant improvements to our grounds over recent years. We boast extensive areas for our students to play, with a separate enclosed prep playground area, 2 junior playgrounds, 2 middle-senior school playgrounds, a football oval, a newly developing soccer field, 2 basketball courts and hardcourt areas for play, a quiet sit down area in our sails area, as well as extensive play space around our buildings.
Our architecturally designed buildings are airconditioned and provide modern facilities necessary to provide the optimum learning environment for our students.
We have a large hall that is used for Physical Education lessons, assemblies and special events. We offer high quality specialist learning within our Performing Arts, Visual Arts, Auslan and Science programs.
Nurturing and educating children is seen as a shared responsibility between home and school, with Skye Primary School building strong relationships with our community and working closely with parents and carers as active partners in their child’s schooling and education.
At Skye Primary School we aim to provide stimulating learning programs in a purposeful and caring environment that enable every student to realise their full potential. In doing so we foster a learning environment rich in values, with our students provided with the opportunity and support to develop confidence and self-esteem within a flexible, happy and positive school environment, building core values of Respect, Relationships, Resilience and Responsibility.
Our main aim is to foster in students the qualities and skills that will enable them to adapt to an every changing world.
We at Skye Primary School believe that every person in our school community has the potential to assist each student achieving our vision.
Teaching Community
All staff will have the requisite knowledge, skills and behaviours to facilitate our students to develop into literate, numerate,creative and socially responsible community members.
Student Community
Students will be challenged to develop into literate, numerate,creative and socially responsible community members.
Parents & Community Members
Parents and community members will be positive active members of the school community. They will show enthusiasm for student growth and support the learning process.
School Values
These values are reinforced through classroom programs.
At Skye Primary School we show respect and care about the feelings and rights of others.
- use manners
- allow teachers to teach and others to learn
- treat others with kindness
- listen attentively
- accept ourselves for who we are
At Skye Primary School we create and maintain positive relationships.
- include others
- cooperate with others
- solve problems in a positive manner
- appreciate the differences in others
At Skye Primary School we are resilient and work through challenges effectively.
- are persistent and don’t give up
- know it is ok to make a mistake
- use a range of strategies to solve a problem
- face challenges with a positive attitude
- move forward when things don’t go our way
At Skye Primary School we take responsibility for our learning, behaviour and school environment.
- take care of ourselves and our belongings
- look after our learning environment and the school yard
- can be trusted to make good choices
- are in charge of our choices
- recognise that our choices can impact others

Administration Office
Michelle Drew
Business Manager
Wendy Jones
Administration Office
Sheree Jones
Administration Office
Belinda Schodde
School Nurse
Ashley Herrmann
Prep A Teacher
Sarah Weiss
Prep B Teacher
Ann Bishop
Prep C Teacher
Maddison Jennings
Prep D Teacher
Helen Meadows
Prep E Teacher
Year 1
Ash Salter
Year 1A Teacher
Michelle Hammill
Year 1B Teacher
Anisa Akkusoglu
Year 1C Teacher
Fiona Torrington
Year 1D Teacher
Julieanne Brooks
Year 1D Teacher
Year 2
Dave Anderson
Year 2A Teacher
Hailee Eade
Year 2B Teacher
Emma Middlebrook
Year 2C Teacher
Year 3
Amy Jung
Year 3A Teacher
Helen Hamill
Year 3B Teacher
Shanae French
Year 3C Teacher
Taryn Clough
Year 3A Teacher
Year 4
Amanda Bongers
Year 4A Teacher
Tom Jackson
Year 4B Teacher
Year 5
Krystal Anderson
Year 5A Teacher
Jenny Kelly
Year 5B Teacher
Year 6
Gabby Grant
Year 6A Teacher
Richard Taberner
Year 6B Teacher
Specialist Team
Jac Jackson
Visual Arts
Belinda Critchlow
Anita Blenkiron
Vanessa Nestor
Steve Jackson
Physical Education
Rachel Costello
Physical Education
Shelley Murphy
Inger Furlong
Kitchen Garden/ Food Technology/ STEAM
Education Support Team
Tarnia Mathieson
Graeme Mill
Tanja Sucic
Education Support
Kerry Brand
Education Support
Kathleen Cox
Education Support
Perrianne Hajdu
Education Support
Samantha Mitchell
Education Support
Carly Davis
Education Support
Maria Bunni
Education Support
Jye Dignan
Education Support
Riley De’Ath Chung
Education Support
Bullying Prevention Policy SKPS 2023
Camps And Excursions Policy SKPS 2023
Child Safety Responding And Reporting Obligations Policy And Procedures 2024
Child Safety Code Of Conduct 2024
Child Safety And Wellbeing Policy 2024
Child Safety Induction Pack Volunteers SKPS 2025
Class Placement Policy SKPS 2023
Critical Incident Policy SKPS 2022
Digital Learning Acceptable User Agreement SKPS 2022
Dogs At School Policy SKPS 2025
Dress Code Students Policy SKPS 2021
Family Engagement In Learning 2022
Health Care Needs Policy SKPS 2024
Inclusion And Diveristy SKPS 2024
Mobile Phones And Wearables Policy SKPS 2024
Motto Vision Mission Values SKPS 2022
Photographing Filming Recording Students Policy 2024
Respectful behaviours within the school community
Respect For School Staff SKPS 2023
Restraint and Seclusion Policy
Schools’ privacy collection notice
Statement Of Values And School Philosophy Policy SKPS 2022
Student Attendance Policy SKPS 2024
Student Wellbing And Engagement Policy SKPS 2024
Sun Protection Policy SKPS 2023