Student Wellbeing
We have a strong wellbeing focus at Skye Primary School. Our school Values of Relationships, Respect, Resilience, and Responsibility, are promoted and taught explicitly throughout the year. Students are recognised at assembly when they have shown outstanding achievement in living out these values in the school community. We believe a strong home – school partnership creates the best learning environment for all students.
Student Wellbeing Programs
Respectful Relationships
Skye Primary School is a Lead School in the Respectful Relationships initiative, which supports teachers to teach our students how to build healthy relationships, resilience and confidence.
Respectful Relationships is a core component of the Victorian Curriculum, designed to support schools to promote respect and equality. The Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships program is assessed in the Victorian Curriculum in the areas of Personal and Social Capability and Health and Physical Education.
The topics covered each year are:
- Emotional Literacy 5. Stress Management
- Personal Strengths 6. Help-Seeking
- Positive Coping 7. Gender and Identity
- Problem Solving 8. Positive Gender Relations.

Our TRIBES program, which runs fortnightly, was developed to enhance student engagement, school connectedness and to build relationships across all ages within the school community.
Tribes builds positive relationships vertically across the school from Foundation to Year Six. Students co-operate in small multi-aged groups participating in a range of games and activities that develop our school values, builds connections, and strengthens emotional ties to the Skye community.
Tribes is a highlight within the school with all teachers and students.
Our Inspire Program runs fortnightly alternating with TRIBES. Each term our staff choose a favourite ‘inspiring topic’, with students choosing which Inspire Program they will attend for the term (or longer).
Types of Inspire programs have included the following:
- Coding Kids
- Junior Art
- Fun & Games
- Crazy Construction
- Kitchen Garden
- Lego Masters
- Creative Crafternoons
- Drama Club
- Yoga
- Student Representative Council (SRC)
- Gumboot Gang
- Artists Retreat
- AFL Football Stills
- Drumming
- Skye Sports Teams
- Bunsen Burners
- AFLW Skills
We love seeing our student’s personal passions inspired and lighted through the opportunities this program brings, and seeing our students express themselves in a wide variety of creative ways.
Breakfast Club Program
Our Breakfast Club operates every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings from 8.30am – 8.50am.
Breakfast club is intended to be a fun and social time for children to enjoy each other’s company, and to fill up before a day of learning at school.
What’s on the menu?
- Muesli, Vitabrits and Cheerios with Milk
- Tinned fruit
- Baked Beans / Spaghetti
- Toast and a variety of spreads
- Water
- A selection of fresh fruit (seasonal)
Lunchtime Activities
Different lunchtime activities are run throughout the week and are open for all students within the school.
Writer’s Club – Grades 4 to 6
Disco Dance Club – Prep to Grade 6
Art Club – Grades 4 to 6
Book Nook – Prep to Grade 3
Construction – Prep to Grade 3
Skye Footy League – Grades 5 and 6
The Little Library – Prep to Grade 6
Restorative Practices
Restorative Practices underpins all we do to build strong relationships between staff and students, and students and students. Circle Time is used in all classroom as a tool to build relationships and have open dialogue.
Other Support
SSSO Support
Skye Primary is supported by our DET Student Support Services Offices. We have regular access to a Speech Pathologist and Psychologist who support our staff and students with assessments; the establishment of home programs; teacher consultation and applications for funding for students with special needs.